Head Developer, Educatonal

Please describe your organization.

We are a publishing company. We publish educational books, and we develop educational apps.

What is your role and responsibilities ?

I'm the president.

Opportunity Challenge

What was your goal for working with ChromeInfo Technologies ?

We had a complex project that involves the ability to set up training through and online platform and deliver it through mobile apps.

Please describe the scope of their work.

They've developed 30 different apps for me on iOS and Android. They continue to develop apps for us. They've done some Web development. The main thing is iOS and Android apps.


What was your process for selecting ChromeInfo Technologies?

I've been in the software business for 25 years. Prior to finding ChromeInfo, I hired other people in other countries to develop apps or software for me. I don't remember how I found them. All I remember is with my previous company, I was very unhappy with them. I found ChromeInfo, and I gave them one of the apps I was developing at a different company. They just took the app and, in a very short time, were able to fix problems we were having. They did a great job. From there, the relationship developed.

Can you give a sense of the size of the initiative ?

The big project was $250,000. They've done small projects for me and for clients that are interfacing what we're doing. Those were less than $10,000.

When was the work completed ?

It's ongoing work.


Do you have any statistics or metrics on the project ?

I don't have formal metrics.

Are you satisfied with their performance ?

I'm very satisfied. They're great people. Their communication is excellent. They're always available. They work very hard. Not everything goes smooth every single time but, when there is an issue, they fix it right away. They really care. They treat me extremely well. I can throw anything at them, and they can build it. I've asked them to do things they've never done before, and they can figure it out. If I compare experiences with other companies I've worked with, there's no comparison. It's that much better. It's been fantastic.

Is there anything unique or special about ChromeInfo Technologies that really makes them stand out?

They've been really good. We've missed a couple of release dates by a few days. Some of it's been things we changed at the last minute. As a general rule, they've worked around the clock to hit our targets.

Looking back on the work so far, is there any area that you think they could improve upon or that you might do differently ?

Not really. Nothing that would be reasonable to ask for. They've done very good. Obviously, I would prefer if something would take half the time, but it's just wishful thinking. Software development takes time to develop.

We ask you to rate ChromeInfo Technologies on a scale of one to five, with five being the top score. What would you give them out of five for the quality of their work ?


For schedule, as in being on time and meeting deadlines ?

Four and a half.

For cost, as in value for your money and sticking with the original estimates ?

Five. They never change. That's one great thing about them. Other companies take advantage of you. Honesty is the best part of this company

For the overall score ?


How likely are you to recommend ChromeInfo Technologies to a colleague ?

Five. Compared to other companies I tried, it's a night-and-day difference.

I can throw anything at them [ChromeInfo Technologies], and they can build it.

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ChromeInfo Technologies has the ability to be dynamic. They adjust their team and their approach based on our needs.

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ChromeInfo Technolgies were very quick to take our specification, understand our requirements and...

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They've been really good. As a general rule, they've worked around the clock to hit our targets.

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